
James Cameron says he has found Jesus’ family tomb

A new documentary by James Cameron (director of Titanic) entitled The Lost Family Tomb of Jesus says that Jesus and his family’s tomb has been found.  He is showing off Jesus’ tomb today! See the Time Magazine article: Titanic Claim: Jesus Still Dead

For a solid response, see Asbury’s Ben Witherington’s initial take at THE JESUS TOMB? ‘TITANIC’ TALPIOT TOMB THEORY SUNK FROM THE START.  Basically he says that there were lots of Jesus’s and Mary’s in the first century and that we have had this tomb since 1980.  There are some good scholars involved with this but Witherington thinks they have fallen for the publicity instead of relying on the peer-review process. 

In the comments, Witherington argues with one of the scholars James Tabor who is part of the project.  Tabor has blogged about it at Some Initial Thoughts on the Talpiot Tomb.    

Other New Testament scholars who will be good to watch on this include:

Dallas’s Darrell Bock: Hollywood Hype: The Oscars and Jesus’ Family Tomb, What Do They Share?

Duke’s Mark Goodacre who has an inital take entitled: "The Tomb That Dare not speak its name" and another "Jesus’ family tomb": how blogging helps

North Park’s Scot McKnight’s Was Jesus Married? One More Time

2 replies on “James Cameron says he has found Jesus’ family tomb”

The Witherington protests too much, methinks!

Was it only 5 years ago when Ben Witherington claimed the “James Ossuary” as proof of the existence of Jesus Christ and as PROOF AGAINST the Ever-Virginity of the Mother of God? Was it only 5 years ago when BW was all over the news breathlessly arguing for the authenticity of his bone-box and revealing his humble belief that he was somehow chosen (like some Holy Prophet) to deliver this good news to the world and the bad news to the poor, benighted Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians?

Surely Witherington must realize by now, even as he is being used anew by the enemies of the Faith (Cameron & Co. have linked Witherington’s “James Ossuary” to the “Jesus Tomb!”), that he was never a Prophet but always just a pawn.

Witherington uses his “James Ossuary” against the Ever Virgin, Theotokos, Mary:

Witherington never disavowed his own ship/ossuary full-o-holes, and now that fraud is being tied to an even greater and possibly more dangerous fraud.

Sow the wind reap the whirlwind…

The interesting thing about the James Cameron “documentary” is that it comes out…guess when? DURING LENT. Every year some “major breakthrough” that would supposedly tear apart Christianity “comes to light.” It always comes close to Easter.

What a surprise!
TITLE: The JesusTomb
BLOG NAME: 33:6:8
DATE: 02/28/2007 08:46:04 PM
I just wanted to put up a couple of quick links for any students (or other folks) who happen by the blog and have seen big, splashy presentations on the news about the supposed tomb of Jesus. For the complete story, if you havent seen it yet, ch…

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